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Posted on 08-16-24 03:51 PM, in Preferred console revisions? Link | ID: 168

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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The AGS-101 GBA SP is also my favorite to play any GB title with for the crisp screen and quality backlight, but I have even more bias because it unbound me from the AC adapter by having a rechargeable battery built in! Unofficially - I later customized a GBC to have a backlit IPS screen with customizable filters, adjustable picture, and color overlay included, and that does feel nicer to hold for older GB/C games since it's got more thickness around the controls.

I love my SNES Mini for the really nice picture quality and the fact it fits better in my entertainment stand next to my other consoles. I'm fond of the Dreamcast Rev 1 for the fact it can play homebrew stuff burned to a CD-R.

@Slidelljohn That's rad!

Posted on 08-16-24 04:17 PM, in The item shop Link | ID: 173

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Hahaha some of the names and descriptions of the items in the RPG shop takes me way back... good, GOOD times. Too bad a lot of the classic memes come with a steep INT penalty. Not good for a caster~

(oh why hello just randomly appearing in my shop. Can I buy this mouse?)

Posted on 08-16-24 05:35 PM, in The Trails (Kiseki) series Link | ID: 178

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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sup Estelle

I got into Kiseki back in I think 2021, starting with Trails of Cold Steel 3. I've got everything but the Liberl arc because XSEED still has rights to it, and I only play on Switch for portability reasons. (While I have CS1 and 2 on PS3, the lack of being home enough makes them hard to even start.) I do intend to get through all of them at some point to fully appreciate just how meticulous they are about continuity and the people that populate Zemuria, both as party members and recurring NPCs, over the span of 20+ years.

I fell in love with the battle system instantly, seeing what combinations of quartz I can exploit for stupidly broken effects. I didn't play enough Zero or Azure yet to get a feel for the Enigma but I have so many busted ARCUS setups for characters and in Daybreak, I have virtually turned Feri into a Ctrl+A DEL combo with 100% crit and nearly maxed evasion, even after I failed to get a full inventory of gear the first playthrough... if Falcom didn't nerf counter-attacking from guarantee to I think 25%, with her range, she could solo the game easily. Pester me if you want me to go through and send some of my builds. The Xipha is my favorite orbment system by far because it panders to my minmaxing tendencies and lets me stack a bunch of debuff effects on attacks without line conflict.

The narrative and punches from Trails through Daybreak were ruthless after so many games in the series prime you to expect that nothing super serious should happen to anyone important permanently, and how far they took Almata's willingness to do violence and for what reasons by Ch5 stunned me. I felt more compelled, more frantic to stop this group, than any other villains so far in the series. While I know we have opposing feelings regarding the direction of the series, this bold new direction has me anticipating the future releases far more than I thought I would.

Dying to know and I've discussed this with a few others regarding what could be going on later in the Calvard arc (contains Daybreak 1 Finale spoilers, the rest is theory...) With a name like "Farewell O Zemuria", what do you think is going to happen in the third game? The Society and the D : G Cult have both discussed the "false nature" of this world, and the existence of Divergent Law weapons and artifacts, demons like McBurn, and the calling of Pandemonium plus the really strange effects governing death during its reign, substantiate the notion that there is something else out there, and perhaps Aidios isn't real/what people think. Someone mentioned a rocket in the artwork, possibly hinting that Zemurians might for the first time go into the upper atmosphere to see what's really beyond the clouds. And, I'm wondering if spirit veins connect Zemuria to this other world, since devils and cryptids appear whenever things go awry with them. Regardless, I get the strong feeling that Ouroboros is ultimately correct about something huge, and despite disapproving of the things they do, it's all going to make sense very soon.

I ALSO believe Professor Epstein had knowledge of what was beyond Zemuria and used some of that knowledge to devise the first orbments (the eight Geneses) and what makes them so dangerous, their effects so powerful, and that they possess such rigidity in carrying out a will, is exactly because they are otherworldly technology, and the modern orbments are very "locked down" to at worst be something to battle with in lieu of magic, and at best be energy powering your modern city. He knew what they were capable of, hence the diary, but I'm wondering how he knew the year someone would try to exploit them to bring the end of the world.

Posted on 08-16-24 08:09 PM, in Posting forums on your mobile device Link | ID: 189

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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I usually don't post from my phone because the mobile data IPs in my area tend to be range banned on enough of the places I lurk that I don't bother trying. Troublemakers in my region I guess. >_><_<

Posted on 08-17-24 03:29 PM, in Introductions Link | ID: 220

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Nice to meet everyone. I'm Originator Zero no. 74. I'm juggling Super Mario World and Kirby's Adventure in my free time (of which there is little, yay adulthood, but I really want to get something published, especially for the latter game which there are few mods of.) I'm versed in all kinds of resource assistance people might want on their SMW works and love doing pixel art if anyone desires a custom minipic. I can also help with custom post layouts if so you desire. Acmlmboard is a wonderful piece of software - cheers NinCollin for having exquisite taste.

Posted on 08-17-24 03:36 PM, in Luigi and the Mysterious Portals (a small Super Mario World hack) Link | ID: 221

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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I really liked this hack. What made the gem collecting neat is the fact that the way they're distributed won't drag you out to dead ends and therefore the flow of the level doesn't get disrupted by collecting. The level lengths are also comfortable to explore and revisit if you didn't get them all the first time. The hub design gives some flexibility to which order you visit levels and begin searching, and no two levels feel alike. It's a cozy way to spend an afternoon IMO and the hack deserves some love.

Posted on 08-22-24 06:36 PM, in Test thread do not read Link | ID: 374

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Posted on 08-23-24 05:29 PM, in The Videos/Screenshots Thread Link | ID: 415

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

Last post: 10 days
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The character sprites are adorable. I'm not sure how to interpret the tiles they're standing on but everything else is distinct! Also glad to see Minnie Mouse getting some love.

I've got a Kirby's Adventure hack in its infancy, not quite ready for a WIP thread. I'm gonna take this thing to the moon if I can...

Posted on 08-30-24 09:13 AM, in Are you guys actually gonna help people here?....... Link | ID: 580

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Sorry that happened to you - I would feel pretty aggravated if I went to the main hobby site and got that kind of runaround when I wanted assistance or to learn something too. I think the structure planned and the culture they aim for in this ruleset isn't going to allow for that thing to take place and skirt under the radar. NinCollin can be reached on Discord very quickly if he's signed out here if anyone sends you harassing messages.

Posted on 08-30-24 09:26 AM, in Artwork by kkzero Link | ID: 581

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

Last post: 10 days
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The aromantic bun has bunderful beans ;_; so cute!

Kinda wanna dig into that mental health drawing a bit... the grip and emptiness are good visual metaphors to describe the power a mental illness or neurological condition can have and suggests that it is not so easy to flick a switch and manage it. The hand reaching out wants help, while the scary presentation drives the sought-after help away, and I feel like that is an accurate allusion to how some people are more inclined to leave behind someone who is struggling because they can't understand what is happening rather than be there for them and how painful that can be to experience abandonment in a time of need. I really like this drawing because it has a lot going on rooted in the experience of mental crisis.

Posted on 08-30-24 03:30 PM, in The Trails (Kiseki) series Link | ID: 583

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

Last post: 10 days
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Yes... X-3
The Sky FC remake that just got announced for Switch is looking FINE. Very nice presentation between the art direction and the more modern cutscene and field dynamics. It looks like attacking in the field just initiates combat so it doesn't use the real time preemptive striking feature in Daybreak but the seamless switch from field to fight is still such a wonderful touch. I can't believe we're getting this in 2025 - it's coming up so fast.

Posted on 08-31-24 01:05 PM, in ROM / ISO CRC32 / SHA-1 info section isn't implemented Link | ID: 594

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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I'm giving you an upvote because this is actually extremely important for players to have with the various versions and potential unclean dumps hacks could've been built on, and it's aggravating to get so far and then have crashes etc because the ROM version the hack was patched to was a mismatch. I hope to see this considered as a priority to integrate.

Posted on 08-31-24 01:10 PM, in Epilepsy warning for site theme "AE Sucks" Link | ID: 595

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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General warning for the community as you skim through the options. This theme is an inclusion from the Acmlm software. Potentially flag for removal since it has no practical use either.

Posted on 09-01-24 04:04 PM, in Basic Guide to Post Layouts on NeoRHDN (rev. 3 of 09-14-24 09:58 PM by Oz74) Link | ID: 605

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

Last post: 10 days
Last view: 9 days
Table of contents:
1. Introduction to Post Layouts
2. Basic Example
3. Common HTML on the Board
4. Classes in Your Posts
5. A Small CSS Glossary
6. Tips and Tricks
7. Special Considerations

1. Introduction to Post Layouts
Acmlmboard software has a slew of personalization features. One of the coolest flairs you can add is a post layout. These decorate your entire post and give you a unique presence! It does require HTML and CSS knowledge. Markup (your HTML) is decorated by the stylesheet (your CSS) and the bulk of this tutorial covers the some of the various CSS declarations that are useful for an Acmlmboard post layout.

The first thing you'll want to do is save your profile page to work offline, since at time of writing, NeoRHDN does not feature a "preview post layout" option, and when it does, if your login session expires while you're previewing, you're going to lose your progress. Open your offline HTML page in a good text editor - syntax highlighting for HTML will help you see it easily! CTRL+F and find text you know is in the sample post, and there you'll find all the pieces you can edit. Anything named in tags or any names of classes can be modified, but it is important that you use the box names that have your userid as a parent to ensure your modifications are unique to your own posts (this will be elaborated on later.)

Your post is a table is divided into quadrants. The table cells in a row are going to be the same size as whichever the largest is, unlike divs, which require more CSS input to control size and will otherwise default to ending immediately after the content. Inside your post body, you can add more HTML. It's a lot easier IMO to keep your layout's CSS in its own external file. To use it, put <style type="text/css">@import url ("filename.css");</style>. When you edit the file, any CSS changes will show in your post.

2. Basic Example
For a single new box around your post, you can add a <div> in the header and close with a </div> in the footer. If you want another box around your signature, you can open another <div> and put your signature in here, then close it with another </div>. But wait, did you notice how the two boxes are touching? Giving them classes lets you modify the divs differently, and you can add a margin-top to give your boxes space in between.

Let's say our divs' classes are "mypost" and "mysig". We want 8px of padding within and all around them, we want them both to be black with light grey text and neon green borders, and we want the main post background to be dark green, so to make this happen, the CSS file should contain:

.mainbarUID {background: #030; padding: 8px}
.mainbarUID .mysig {margin-top: 8px}
.mainbarUID > div {color: #ccc; background: #000; border: #0f0 1px solid; padding: 8px}
"UID" will be your user ID from here to the end of the guide.

The post header will contain:
<style type="text/css">@import url ("filename.css");</style><div>
(Or you can write in what would be the contents if your stylesheet if you weren't hosting one.)

The post footer will contain:
</div><div class="mysig">This is my signature.</div>

And here's our post layout. After this is the footer:
This is my signature.

3. Common HTML on the Board
a is an anchor, most often used to create links. To change effects based on the status of the anchor, use a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active - in that order.
blockquote surrounds each quote.
code should be used for code.
div is a divider. It draws a box around content.
hr is a horizontal rule. i.e. a straight line across. These are baked into quoted content, before and after the quote content.
i italicizes. This is baked into quote headers.
img inserts an image
span deals with content from its start to finish and does not separate the content like div does.

4. Classes in Your Posts
Your unique classes:
topbarUID_1: This is the table cell containing your username.
topbarUID_2: This contains the time stamp and options for your post.
sidebarUID: This contains your avatar, level, post count, and last activities.
mainbarUID: This is your post body.

Relevant Acmlmboard classes in your posts:
cd appears around the code block and defines the background as #000 raw, so you'll have to use !important if you want to override it.
prettyprint is the main class of your code, while com, kwd, pln, pun, and str are spans that appear within for syntax highlighting.
spoiler1 decorates a spoiler before it is moused over.
spoiler2 decorates a spoiler after it is moused over.
quotedby is specifically the span used to head quotes.

5. A Small CSS Glossary
Here's a rundown of most of the stuff you'll want to consider when making your post layout. This glossary and set of examples might be enough for your intentions, but its aims are not to be a complete CSS tutorial. You can run live practice demonstrations and explore more fine tuning options at w3schools.

background - colors can be passed as hexadecimal (3 or 6-digit) or decimal. Transparency can be done with rgba(r,g,b,a) where rgb are 0-255 and a is decimal from 0 to 1. Pictures can be rolled into the background with url("...") and both anchoring, stretch, and tiling can be attributed per-picture. You can also use absolute positioning if relative positions aren't suitable for your needs. Multiple background images can be ascribed to a single HTML property by using a comma (,) instead of a semicolon (;) to itemize them, but you must use a semicolon on the final background property.
background: url("https://mypretendsite/koopa.png") center right no-repeat #88f;
will put your adorable Koopa Troopa to the center right of your blue post field.

border - width, color, and style. Common styles include solid, dotted, ridge, double.
border: #000 3px double;
will draw two black borders around your box.

border-image - draws a border using tiling sides with non-repeating corners. You can slice a source image into components to assign to the corners and sides. (Way back before CSS3 standardizations, we would draw table cells or use background anchoring to simulate this. I'm not going to lie - this one is alien to me because it was browser-specific and changing frequently when I was in practice.) This one gets deep really fast, so you might want to jump right into here to practice with it.

box-shadow - draws a shadow under that blurs with increased radius. x, y, size, and color.
box-shadow: 0px 8px 8px #000;
makes a drop shadow under your box.

color - assigns the text's color.

content - squeezes a piece of text or a picture into an otherwise baked-in thing. Look at my layout's CSS to see how I added a Unicode star to quotes.

font - assigns font-family and size. Fonts can also be itemized with a comma where each font in succession is a fallback for its previous font.

font-weight - how thick the font is. Bold or normal are generally all you'd care about.

display - useful if you want to mask some baked-in attributes you don't want.
.sidebar88 img {display: none !important}
This kills the homunculus.

margin - how much you want to offset this box from the property it's inside. You can do it from all four directions in the order of top, right, bottom, left.
margin: 8px 24px 8px 24px;
grants much more space on the left and right than top and bottom.

padding - how much you want to offset the contents within the box from the edges of the box. Like margin, you can also control all four directions in the same order.

text-align - the default is left, but you can align it to the center, right, or justify it.

text-decoration - Underline or none.

text-shadow - draws a shadow or glow around the text, with the same syntax as box-shadow.

text-style - the slant of the font. Italic or normal. Single argument.

transition - especially for mouse-over or clicking effects, fades in or out. Declared in decimal of seconds.
transition: 0.5s;
will cause content to fade in or out over the span of 0.5 seconds rather than suddenly appearing.

6. Tips and Tricks
  • The <i> in the quote heading can be turned off by declaring .mainbar_UID .quotedby i {text-style: normal}
  • You can override the mainbar border any other asset that Acmlmboard is pushy about on your post layout using !important. (e.g. border: none !important;}
    Any markup or specific classes you want sharing an attribute can be itemized before the attribute declaration. text colors and font family get inherited and don't need to be redeclared unless it's for changing.
  • Text-shadow can enhance readability, especially against detailed backgrounds.
  • :before and :after selectors can add a little flair to your quote boxes.
  • If you only want to draw a single box, background, margin setting etc. around all your nested quotes rather than a new box for each one, you can use > to select only the blockquotes that appear as a first child of the div or td that constitutes your post body.
  • ::selection modifies the highlighted text's attributes, which can be helpful when the browser's or web page's defaults make your text hard to read. For reasons I do not know, this function is not working in the post sidebar.

7. Special Considerations
  • Don't use someone else's userid for your CSS classes - doing so creates mischief by overriding their post settings. I won't complain if you do hide my avatar in this thread though.
  • Don't align your main post content to the right or center since it makes it harder to read.
  • Code's white-space is pre, text is monospaced, and the many classes give different color for readability as code. Modifying the code box should be done with extra care.
  • Acmlmboard's themes are mostly medium to dark. A layout can be very pretty on its own, but sudden sharp contrast changes on the screen create extra stress for the eyes of the reader.
  • Microtearing and microspacing at boundaries is going to happen on mobile phones no matter how pixel-perfect and seamless your images are, especially while using page zoom - it's unavoidable.
  • Sideboxes and side images are pretty cool but they're going to squish your post body a lot on smaller displays.
  • Though possible, it is forbidden to override your username with a custom color.
  • Keep a fallback font if you're using a new font. Some fonts are not installed on all systems. Sans-serif, Serif, and Monospace are safe fallbacks that will use whatever the viewer has set for their system defaults when they appear. If you don't do this, everyone who doesn't have your font installed will see Monospace. Post fallback should be Sans-serif or Serif, and code box fallbacks should be Monospace.
  • There is never a reason to use ids (#) in your CSS and HTML for the post layout portion because if you do, any attributes for it will only appear once per page.

Posted on 09-02-24 12:17 PM, in What made you interested in hacking roms? Link | ID: 622

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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If it makes you happy, even if there's adversity, a stigma around it, there is no harm in still doing it and sharing it. Tbh I always wanted to play classics remade in vanilla-gfx/sound SMW, adjusted for the physics because the NES ones become really easy with how maneuverable Mario is with 1:1 tile placement... some of the most crisp handling in a platformer you'll ever see.

What got me into ROM hacking was just how magical it was to see translations of sequels to my favorite games, and then I ended up discovering RHDN and a massive database of other translations, custom level hacks, and tools to do it. For a long time, I was more of a player than a producer, and I really want to finish a few hacks of my own with the free time I have coming up.

Posted on 09-02-24 01:28 PM, in Embers of Mana (Total conversion hack of Final Fantasy Adventure (GB)) Link | ID: 623

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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I'm liking what I see even before you do any new palette and customization work. Is it going to have both SGB support and a GBC mode? If both, I'd love an excuse to get SGB and if GBC only, I'm willing to play your hack on console. I love handheld RPGs. It was smart of you to prioritize the gameplay and story for completion and save these details for last - I admire your planning and sticking to it

Posted on 09-03-24 01:48 PM, in What are you currently watching? Link | ID: 665

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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I don't typically watch stuff unless it's on in the cafeteria or one of my roomies has the TV on. They usually have Law & Order SVU on in the cafeteria and it's one of the worst fits for lunch time with the things that go on in that show. On the other hand, Monk and The Three Stooges are pretty fun to watch when I'm home and I don't feel like I have to commit so much time into following the shows as series to be able to enjoy them, so they're really the right fit for me these days.

Posted on 09-03-24 02:18 PM, in What are you Currently Playing? Link | ID: 667

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Your neighbor is cool. Hope they succeed!

Currently I'm between games, just occasionally logging into Langrisser Mobile for dailies, guild duties and stacking up some crystals for later limited time events. I'm mostly just play-testing my Kirby's Adventure hack as I work on it. There's been some strong recommendations to me to play Tales of the Abyss so I grabbed a PS2 copy and I may as well make that my next big play, going in totally blind, since I'm going to have a few weeks off and room to play something that isn't handheld for a change.

Posted on 09-04-24 04:11 PM, in Basic Guide to Post Layouts on NeoRHDN Link | ID: 681

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Thank you - I'm gonna fix that right now!

Posted on 09-05-24 03:56 PM, in 4 TMNT rom hacks that have never been backed up anywhere Link | ID: 707

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Ask and you shall receive.
(This file host requires that I set an expiration date, so I chose the max of one year, but I'll hang onto these files after it does.)

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Main - Posts by Oz74


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