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NeoRHDN - Utilities

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Title Author Description Category Platform Game OS Ver Date
GaiaLabs BaseROM Toolkit Kryal This is a development toolkit for Illusion of Gaia (SNES). Using it will allow you to browse every a... Game Specific SNES Illusion of Gaia Indep 1.0h 2024-07-25
Gran Turismo 3 ROM Editor (PS2) Tony Hedstrom This program lets you edit lots of stuff in your Gran Turismo 3 game, and will patch your changes in... Game Specific PS2 Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec Win 1.2 2024-07-13
360ROMPatcher Kirby0Louise A dead simple ROM patcher for Xbox 360 XEX/JTAG format games. See the github page for the .360Patch... Patching XB360 N/A Win 1.1 2024-07-09
crudNES hitchhikr crudNES is a Nintendo Entertaining System console emulator made for reverse engineering purposes. It... Debuggers / Special Emulators NES N/A Win 1.3 2024-07-06
RobinEdit 2 Dizzy9 A game editor from around 2016. Requires a "robin.nes" in same directory as executable. Level Editors NES Super Robin Hood Win 4.4 2024-06-30
The Nintendo 64 Gameshark Code Injector triclon The Nintendo 64 Gameshark Code Injector by Triclon v4.3 Added command line script for patching r... Miscellaneous N64 N/A Indep 4.4.1 2024-06-24
RainbowZ Editor (DKC1) RainbowSprinklez This is a multi-purpose editor for DKC1. There are too many features to go over here. Please read th... Game Specific SNES Donkey Kong Country Win 0.546 2024-06-22
Crystal Tracker Danny-E 33 A Pokemon GSC Song Editor. See README on GitHub for complete description. Download: https://gith... Sound GB Pokémon: Crystal Version Indep 0.7.0 2024-06-08
img2saturn Kirby0Louise Tool for batch converting images to SEGA Saturn VDP1 1555 ABGR format. Miscellaneous Graphics Tools SAT N/A Win 2024-05-29
UTF-8 Support for Translation Tools Tasos500 A drop-in set of tools made for the April 16, 2021 version of the [url= Data Extraction / Insertion GBA Mother 3 Win 1.0a 2024-05-28
abcde abw abcde is a script extraction/insertion utility that aims to take as many of the things that are good... Script Extraction / Insertion N/A N/A Indep 0.0.10 2024-05-25
ZScream Zarby89 Zelda 3 dungeon editor and overworld possibility to edit almost everything related to the dungeons... Level Editors SNES The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Win 3.2.3 2024-05-18
MadWizardFullEditor Guyver (X.B.M.) Mad Wizard: A Candelabra Chronicle (Full version) level editor. The program works with the full vers... Level Editors NES The Mad Wizard: A Candelabra Chronicle Win 1.0 2024-05-15
PixelPet Prof. 9 PixelPet is an image processing tool for ROM hacking. It allows you to automatize converting common ... Miscellaneous Graphics Tools Multiple N/A Indep 1.0.2 2024-05-10
Phoenix Wright 2 Onifier 0xTerr Improves a Phoenix Wright 2 ROM by copying the better music from a Phoenix Wright 1 ROM. Take that! ... Game Specific NDS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All Win 0.2 2024-05-03
Tile Molester toruzz This version of Tile Molester updates the UI so it looks closer to a native app in Windows and Linux... Graphics Editors Multiple N/A Java 0.21 2024-05-02
SCUMM NES edo999 SCUMM NES ([url][/url]) is a web app to explore the resources from... Game Specific NES Maniac Mansion Indep 0.1.1 2024-04-26
FF5e_Text_Editor noisecross The FF5e_Text_Editor is a specific tool to help in the edition of the text of the Final Fantasy V (S... Data Extraction / Insertion SNES Final Fantasy V Win 1.07 2024-04-23
PSIG - PlayStation instructions generator Mr2 PSIG - PlayStation instructions generator.(MIPS R3000A) The program generates machine instruction... Assembly Tools PSX N/A Win 2.3 2024-04-22
FFR Map Editor wildham FFR Map Editor is an Overworld Map editor for the NES version of Final Fantasy 1. Only the overworld... Level Editors NES Final Fantasy Win 1.03 2024-04-01
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