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Posted on 10-08-24 08:58 AM, in What are you Currently Playing? (rev. 2 of 10-08-24 09:55 AM by thingsiplay) Link | ID: 1053


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Since: 08-24-24

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Man this looks fun. Last time I played an emulated fighting game with a netplay client was probably 15 years ago or so, but it was a different client. Need to set Fightcade up, its even available on Linux now.

Edit: I gave up on this again. Forgot I already have an account and tried Fightcade before, but gave up because how the Roms and files are structured. Maybe I'll try it again sometime.

Posted on 10-08-24 07:05 AM, in What are you Currently Playing? Link | ID: 1052


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More Fightcade.

Posted on 10-08-24 04:27 AM, in Super Mario Bros. Fixes Link | ID: 1051


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On the original, when Bowser turns to face the player he flips but in an odd way. It makes him go into the ax at times. SMAS fixes this and SMB Deluxe GBC partially fixes this by making him properly turn. I wrote this code from scratch to fix it, it was made with SMB2J in mind but should work on SMB1; credit me if borrowed:

;new RAM addresses
StarMusBWSRFlag = $4c
BowserHTimer = $0788

ResetMDr: lda EnemyFrameTimer,x ;if timer set here expired,
beq GetPRCmp ;branch to next section
jsr PlayerEnemyDiff ;get horizontal difference between player and bowser,
bmi MoveBRght ;and branch if bowser to the right of the player
MoveBLft: lda BowserHTimer ;SM load Bowser's horizontal flip timer
bne DNMB+5 ;SM if Bowser just turned rightward, branch
lda #$02 ;otherwise load value to
sta Enemy_MovingDir,x ;set Bowser to move and face to the left
lda StarMusBWSRFlag ;SM load Bowser's flip flag (note this is only set if Bowser has flipped from left to right)
beq BBoundChk ;SM if not set, branch to continue with Bowser's boundary check
lda Enemy_X_Position,x ;SM get Bowser's front horizontal coordinate
sec ;SM
sbc #$10 ;SM take away ten from it thus giving the illusion of his front and rear flipping
sta Enemy_X_Position,x ;SM then store as Bowser's new front horizontal coordinate
dec StarMusBWSRFlag ;SM clear Bowser's flip flag
lda #$10 ;SM load value to
sta BowserHTimer ;SM set Bowser's horizontal flip timer
bne GetPRCmp ;SM then branch unconditionally
MoveBRght: lda BowserHTimer ;SM load Bowser's horizontal flip timer
bne BBoundChk ;SM if Bowser's horizontal flip timer is still going, branch
lda #$01 ;load value to
sta Enemy_MovingDir,x ;set Bowser to move and face to the right
lda StarMusBWSRFlag ;SM load Bowser's flip flag
bne DNMB ;SM branch if flag already set to avoid wrong enemy placement
lda Enemy_X_Position,x ;SM get Bowser's front horizontal coordinate
clc ;SM
adc #$10 ;SM add ten to horizontal coordinate
sta Enemy_X_Position,x ;SM then store as Bowser's new front horizontal coordinate
inc StarMusBWSRFlag ;SM set Bowser's flip flag (this gets the ball rolling)
lda #$10 ;SM load value to
sta BowserHTimer ;SM set Bowser's horizontal flip timer
DNMB: lda #$02
sta BowserMovementSpeed ;set movement speed
lda #$20
sta EnemyFrameTimer,x ;set timer here
sta BowserFireBreathTimer ;set timer used for bowser's flame
BBoundChk: lda Enemy_X_Position,x
cmp #$bf ;(SM original value #$c8) if bowser to the right past a certain point,
bcs HammerChk ;skip ahead to some other section

I also discovered that on 1-2 of SMB2J if you collect the Starman and run to the sideways warp pipe the SFX will not play most of the time if still invincible. SMB Deluxe and SMAS fixes this. I don't know offhand if Starman + sideways pipe ever occurs in the same room on SMB1. I don't think so hence this oversight. My code is from scratch, credit me if borrowed:

PipeDwnS: ldy StarInvincibleTimer ;SM load invincibility timer
bne PlayPipeDwnS ;SM branch if set to play SFX (fixes SFX not playing on 1-2)
lda Player_SprAttrib ;check player's attributes
bne PlyrPipe ;if already set, branch, do not play sound again
ldy #Sfx_PipeDown_Injury
sty Square1SoundQueue ;otherwise load pipedown/injury sound
PlyrPipe: ora #%00100000

Yes, the Bowser fix does take up a lot of space, but it's worth it IMO. -ShaneM

Posted on 10-08-24 12:11 AM, in What are you currently watching? Link | ID: 1050


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The first ep of the redux to Ranma 1/2, the other night. Streamed it for everyone on Discord call this past weekend.

Posted on 10-08-24 12:10 AM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1049


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Aside from that on themes, the actual logo itself as well as the redux for the Discord icon looks pretty good. :)

Posted on 10-08-24 12:04 AM, in Over 300 members! (rev. 2 of 10-08-24 12:04 AM by Hiryuu) Link | ID: 1048


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Since: 09-15-24
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Posted by MacUser
I just pop in once in a while. :)

Right, and I'm not doing anything around this place either.

Posted on 10-07-24 09:32 PM, in What are you Currently Playing? Link | ID: 1047

Waddle Dee

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Since: 09-04-24
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Hello, Ladies and Gentleman, I am here to announce something :
Final Fantasy VI Reimagined actually released on October 1st! You should absolutely check it out, it's an amazing mod, I've been having lots of fun with it, really freshes up the original FF6 experience, sorry for the advertising, but I just wanna say how much I love it, Have an good day?

Sayonara, Gamers!

Yuri Bacon
Posted on 10-07-24 07:50 PM, in Over 300 members! Link | ID: 1046

Red Paragoomba

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Posted by MacUser
I just pop in once in a while. :)

You say that, yet you're the second most frequent poster to the boards right now! A clear contradiction of the evidence!

I'm just kidding. I have to agree, I just like to post when I have the time :P

Build a man a fire, and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.

Yuri Bacon
Posted on 10-07-24 07:38 PM, in What are you currently watching? Link | ID: 1045

Red Paragoomba

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Decided last night on a whim that I wanted to watch Dragon Ball Z, and actually finish it this time, unlike when I was a teen seeing Z Kai airing on Nicktoons and missed random episodes and never seemed to catch anything after the Cell saga. Looked into it a bit, and figured out that apparently that's because at around that time, Z Kai just suddenly ends at the Cell saga, and they didn't finish Kai out to the end of Z until a few years later.

I'm still watching the Kai version, because honestly I'm not super interested in watching the filler, and I found a bunch of reddit comments suggesting it over the old DBZ for new viewers. I think I found a version that's supposed to be as uncensored as possible, but it still seems censored in places so I can't quite tell. Oh well, I'm enjoying watching it anyways.

Build a man a fire, and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.

Posted on 10-07-24 07:36 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1044


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Since: 08-24-24

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Great idea to use Mega Man X background, fits perfectly and looks good. The shorter version as NEOR works well. Also good idea for using that one as link button.

Posted on 10-07-24 07:30 PM, in Over 300 members! Link | ID: 1043


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I just pop in once in a while. :)

8-bit is enough.

Yuri Bacon
Posted on 10-07-24 07:28 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1042

Red Paragoomba

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Since: 08-16-24

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Posted by NinCollin
I made a discord icon and 88x31 button using a modified version of the logo (to improve readability when massively scaled down) and plopped a recolored MegaMan X background behind it

OOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!! That smaller one would make a nice button for embedding on websites and shit. I'll defs be keeping that handy for linking to my ROM hack!

Build a man a fire, and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.

Posted on 10-07-24 07:24 PM, in (SNES) 7th Saga projects page Link | ID: 1041


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Posted by Slidelljohn

Yes, 7th saga looks and plays like Phantasy Star games. I plan on adding some of the Phantasy Star enemies to 7th saga.

I like that idea.

8-bit is enough.

Posted on 10-07-24 07:21 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1040
Root Administrator


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I made a discord icon and 88x31 button using a modified version of the logo (to improve readability when massively scaled down) and plopped a recolored MegaMan X background behind it

Check out some of my websites!

Yuri Bacon
Posted on 10-07-24 07:18 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1039

Red Paragoomba

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You might want to dig through what themes do and don't have logos of their own. I'm currently on the Christmas theme, and it has it's own xmas themed version of Almcmboard's "live the fun posting experience" logo, so I had to preview the Standard theme to see the new logo.

Build a man a fire, and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.

Posted on 10-07-24 04:12 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1038
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Yeah, it looks fantastic!

It's a pretty awesome idea! I also love how it goes along with the word Neo too, as "Neo" is typically associated affixed to the names of cities in cyberpunk/futuristic media

Check out some of my websites!

Posted on 10-07-24 04:06 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1037


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So the day has finally come. Congratz, it looks fantastic in person. :p BTW the city background represents the community.

Posted on 10-07-24 03:58 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1036
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The site banner at the top has been updated!

I'll be sure to make a NeoRHDN-specific credit page at the bottom and add your name to it; in the meantime, this thread will continue to stay pinned

Check out some of my websites!

Posted on 10-07-24 03:50 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1035
Root Administrator


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Yeah it doe end up looking like too much noise; will be using the v21!!

Also the pixel-y ness of my mockup was do to being a crappy mockup, and was an unintended side effect :P

Check out some of my websites!

Yuri Bacon
Posted on 10-07-24 02:58 PM, in Some icon and logo variations for the community Link | ID: 1034

Red Paragoomba

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Since: 08-16-24

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Honestly v21 looks fucking awesome, and I agree the white border of v22 is a little too much noise.

Build a man a fire, and he's warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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