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03-26-25 07:33 AM
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General Behavior Guidelines
Are cookies used?

What are these little character doodads appearing on the board?
I just made a thread, where did it go?
I feel that a user is being rude to me. What do I do?
What are badges?
Are smilies and BBCode supported?
Board Specific tags (non-BBcode [tags] and other substitutions)
Can I register more than one account?
How do I get a layout?
What are we not allowed to do in our custom CSS layouts?
&Tags& (Amp tags)
What are avatars & mood avatars?
Are private messages supported?
What is the calendar for?
What do the username colours mean?

General Behavior Guidelines:
NeoRHDN has the following rules in place to insure that the community is inclusive and kept a friendly place.
  • Be kind to others! Be nice to your fellow community members, and think before you type! If you're having an issue with someone, contact a moderator or administrator and avoid getting into fights.
  • No Trolling/flaming/drama. This behavior is totally unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly, namely with a warning. Direct (or even indirect) personal attacks on any member of this community for any reason whatsoever will result in immediate action. Do NOT test us on this.
  • No slurs of any kind Slurs of any sort will not be tolerated, and is a bannable offense.
  • No Spamming. Spam is a pretty broad and grey area. Spam can be generalized as multiple posts with no real meaning to the topic or what anyone else is talking about.
  • No xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc. NeoRHDN is an open community and a safe space, and your fellow community members should be treated with respect.
  • No illegal/copyrighted material You should not use this website to host or distribute illegal or copyrighted material. Any such material will be removed if found and a warning will be issued.
  • No Suggestive Material. Do not post anything pornographic or otherwise potentially disturbing to other members.
Are cookies used?
Cookies are used on this site to store login information and pass information between pages during redirection. Cookies are not used in any way to track you.
What are these little character doodads appearing on the board?
Those are called Sprites. If you click on them, you will have "found" them and will be logged here. Collect them all!
I just made a thread, where did it go?
It was probably moved or deleted by a staff member. If it was deleted, please make sure your thread meets the criteria we have established. If it was moved, look into the other forums and consider why it was moved there. If you have any questions, PM a staff member.
I feel that a user is being rude to me. What do I do?
Stay cool. Don't further disrupt the thread by responding at all to the rudeness. Let a member of staff know with a link to the offending post(s). Please note that responding to the rudeness is promoting flaming, which is a punishable offense.
What are badges?
Badges are special trinkets that a user gathers through special means. You can acquire them from staff, meeting special requirements, or even find them somewhere. For example; sometimes special contests will be held, with a badge given for those who participate and/or win said competition.
Are smilies and BBCode supported?
There are some smilies here, a chart is below to show what smilies are supported.

Likewise, a selection of BBCode is supported. See the chart below.
[b]text[/b]Bold Text
[i]text[/i]Italic Text
[u]text[/u]Underlined Text
[s]text[/s]Striked-out Text
[red]text[/red]Red Text
[green]text[/green]Green Text
[blue]text[/blue]Blue Text
[orange]text[/orange]Orange Text
[yellow]text[/yellow]Yellow Text
[pink]text[/pink]Pink Text
[white]text[/white]White Text
[black]text[/black]Black Text
[color=hexcolor]text[/color]Custom color Text
[img]URL of image to display[/img]Displays an image.
[svg]URL of a SVG image to display[/svg]Displays a SVG Image.
[spoiler]text[/spoiler]Used for hiding spoiler text.
[code]code text[/code]Displays code in a formatted box.
[url]URL of site or page to link to[/url]
[url=URL]Link title[/url]
Creates a link with or without a title.
@"User Name"
Creates a link to a user's profile complete with name colour.
[forum=id]Creates a link to a forum by id.
[thread=id]Creates a link to a thread by id.
[youtube]video id[/youtube]Creates an embeded YouTube video.
[nobr]text[/nobr]Text and code between these tags are not automatically given line breaks.
Can I register more than one account?
No, you may not. Most uses for a secondary account tend to be to bypass bans. The the most common non-malicious use is to have a different name, and we have another feature will allow this cleanly.
How do I get a layout?
You must code one yourself. Sometimes there are others who might be willing to help you with your layout. If your layout is bad, you may find it deleted by a staff member. Make sure that when you design your layout, it isn't hard to read and doesn't stretch the tables.
What are we not allowed to do in our custom CSS layouts?
While we allow very open and customizable layouts and side bars, we have a few rules that will be strictly enforced. Please read them over and follow them. Loss of post layout privileges will be enacted for those who are repeat offenders. If in doubt ask a member of staff. Staff has discretion in deciding violations. This list is expected to be updated regularly, so please make sure to stay up to date.
The following are not allowed:
  • Modification of anyone else's post layout for any reason.
  • Modification of any tables, images, themes, etc outside of your personal layout.
  • Adding a custom title to your profile via css. Custom titles are provided using a board system.
  • Altering your Nick color in any way. Nick color is an indicator of staff, and it will be considered impersonation of staff.
  • Altering the board layout. A good example of this would be CSS that has your post text or any part of that table appearing anywhere in your sidebar.
&Tags& (Amp tags)
amp tags (or &tags&) are tags that allow you to put some of for your profile and RPG stats in a post. They can be incorporated into a layout or used once in a post.
&postnum& Current post count
&numdays& Number of days since registration
&level& Level
&exp& EXP
&expdone& EXP done in the current level
&expnext& Amount of EXP left for next level
&exppct& Percentage of EXP done in the level
&exppct2& Percentage of EXP left in the level
&expgain& EXP gain per post
&expgaintime&Seconds for 1 EXP when idle
&lvlexp& Total EXP amount needed for next level
&lvllen& EXP needed to go through the current level
&5000& Posts left until you have 5000
&20000& Posts left until you have 20000
&rank& Current rank, according to your amount of posts
&rankname& Text only current rank, according to your amount of posts
&postrank& Shows your rank by number of posts
What are avatars & mood avatars?
Avatars are a form of display picture which appears beside your posts and in your profile. Likewise, a mood avatar allows you to display a different picture as opposed to the one specified in your profile.
Are private messages supported?
Yes. Your private message inbox is represented by an envelope icon which is highlighted green when you have unread messages. Likewise, you may send a user a message from here, or alternatively use "Send Private Message" from the user's profile.
What is the calendar for?
The calendar lists user birthdays and special board events.
What do the username colours mean?
They reflect the gender setting and group of the user.
Banned, maleBanned, femaleBanned, unspec.
Normal User, maleNormal User, femaleNormal User, unspec.
Local Moderator, maleLocal Moderator, femaleLocal Moderator, unspec.
Global Moderator, maleGlobal Moderator, femaleGlobal Moderator, unspec.
Administrator, maleAdministrator, femaleAdministrator, unspec.
Root Administrator, maleRoot Administrator, femaleRoot Administrator, unspec.


Acmlmboard v2.5.6+neo (2024-08-13)
© 2005-2025 Acmlm, Emuz, NinCollin, et al.

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