General information |
Group |
Normal User
Total posts |
10 (10 found, 0.06 per day)
Total threads |
4 (4 found, 0.02 per day)
EXP status |
Level: 5 EXP: 424 (for next level: 105) Gain: 63 EXP per post, 73352.162 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
Registered on |
08-16-24 03:36 PM (180 days ago)
Last post |
09-14-24 06:06 PM (151 days ago)
in Does anyone know where I can find a good Eastern-style tileset?
(Hacking Help)
Last view |
11-05-24 04:17 PM (99 days ago)
at /thread.php?id=103
Contact information |
Email address |
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Time offset |
-7:00 from you
(current time: 02-12-25 01:14 PM)
Items per page |
20 posts, 20 threads
Personal information |
Real name |
Location |
Birthday |
Bio |
ROM hacker, aspiring homebrewer, platformer and JRPG enthusiast, Let's Player, and creative person. She/they.
RPG status |
Equipped Items |
Weapons |
Nothing |
Armor |
Nothing |
Shields |
Nothing |
Helms |
Nothing |
Boots |
Nothing |
Accessories |
Nothing |