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Main - Gaming - The Trails (Kiseki) series (5)

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Posted on 08-16-24 04:35 PM, in Link | ID: 174


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I don't really see this series talked about much outside of specific circles, so I thought I'd make a thread for it. It's a long-running series of JRPGs by Falcom that started with Trails in the Sky back in 2004 (and is considered part of the Legend of Heroes series, though Trails has very much eclipsed Legend of Heroes by now). So far, there have been 13 games announced, 12 of which have released and 11 of which have been localized, with the next one scheduled to come out in Japan on September 26 and the next localized one in early 2025. So yeah, there's a LOT of content here.

I got into the series back at the beginning of 2015 when the first game was the only one that had been translated, and I kind of fell in love with it. Heck, that's where my avatar comes from. Even my least favorite games in the series are still good, though I'll admit that at the time I discovered it, I would have taken just about any RPG that had turn-based battles (no, ATB doesn't count) and no random encounters. Things like the positioning-based battle system and the orbments add some interesting new twists to it, and the series has extensive lore, with a lot of backstory and characters. None of the games individually is my favorite RPG outright (that honor goes to Radiant Historia), but it's definitely my favorite RPG series (the only other one that would come anywhere near it is Mario & Luigi).

Posted on 08-16-24 05:04 PM, in Link | ID: 175


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Never played Trails but I love Ys and the original Legend of Heroes games so I appreciate the Falcom love here. :LOL:

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Posted on 08-16-24 05:35 PM, in Link | ID: 178

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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sup Estelle

I got into Kiseki back in I think 2021, starting with Trails of Cold Steel 3. I've got everything but the Liberl arc because XSEED still has rights to it, and I only play on Switch for portability reasons. (While I have CS1 and 2 on PS3, the lack of being home enough makes them hard to even start.) I do intend to get through all of them at some point to fully appreciate just how meticulous they are about continuity and the people that populate Zemuria, both as party members and recurring NPCs, over the span of 20+ years.

I fell in love with the battle system instantly, seeing what combinations of quartz I can exploit for stupidly broken effects. I didn't play enough Zero or Azure yet to get a feel for the Enigma but I have so many busted ARCUS setups for characters and in Daybreak, I have virtually turned Feri into a Ctrl+A DEL combo with 100% crit and nearly maxed evasion, even after I failed to get a full inventory of gear the first playthrough... if Falcom didn't nerf counter-attacking from guarantee to I think 25%, with her range, she could solo the game easily. Pester me if you want me to go through and send some of my builds. The Xipha is my favorite orbment system by far because it panders to my minmaxing tendencies and lets me stack a bunch of debuff effects on attacks without line conflict.

The narrative and punches from Trails through Daybreak were ruthless after so many games in the series prime you to expect that nothing super serious should happen to anyone important permanently, and how far they took Almata's willingness to do violence and for what reasons by Ch5 stunned me. I felt more compelled, more frantic to stop this group, than any other villains so far in the series. While I know we have opposing feelings regarding the direction of the series, this bold new direction has me anticipating the future releases far more than I thought I would.

Dying to know and I've discussed this with a few others regarding what could be going on later in the Calvard arc (contains Daybreak 1 Finale spoilers, the rest is theory...) With a name like "Farewell O Zemuria", what do you think is going to happen in the third game? The Society and the D : G Cult have both discussed the "false nature" of this world, and the existence of Divergent Law weapons and artifacts, demons like McBurn, and the calling of Pandemonium plus the really strange effects governing death during its reign, substantiate the notion that there is something else out there, and perhaps Aidios isn't real/what people think. Someone mentioned a rocket in the artwork, possibly hinting that Zemurians might for the first time go into the upper atmosphere to see what's really beyond the clouds. And, I'm wondering if spirit veins connect Zemuria to this other world, since devils and cryptids appear whenever things go awry with them. Regardless, I get the strong feeling that Ouroboros is ultimately correct about something huge, and despite disapproving of the things they do, it's all going to make sense very soon.

I ALSO believe Professor Epstein had knowledge of what was beyond Zemuria and used some of that knowledge to devise the first orbments (the eight Geneses) and what makes them so dangerous, their effects so powerful, and that they possess such rigidity in carrying out a will, is exactly because they are otherworldly technology, and the modern orbments are very "locked down" to at worst be something to battle with in lieu of magic, and at best be energy powering your modern city. He knew what they were capable of, hence the diary, but I'm wondering how he knew the year someone would try to exploit them to bring the end of the world.

Ok Impala!
Posted on 08-16-24 06:32 PM, in Link | ID: 184

Red Goomba

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Posted by imamelia
I don't really see this series talked about much outside of specific circles, so I thought I'd make a thread for it. It's a long-running series of JRPGs by Falcom that started with Trails in the Sky back in 2004 (and is considered part of the Legend of Heroes series, though Trails has very much eclipsed Legend of Heroes by now). So far, there have been 13 games announced, 12 of which have released and 11 of which have been localized, with the next one scheduled to come out in Japan on September 26 and the next localized one in early 2025. So yeah, there's a LOT of content here.

I got into the series back at the beginning of 2015 when the first game was the only one that had been translated, and I kind of fell in love with it. Heck, that's where my avatar comes from. Even my least favorite games in the series are still good, though I'll admit that at the time I discovered it, I would have taken just about any RPG that had turn-based battles (no, ATB doesn't count) and no random encounters. Things like the positioning-based battle system and the orbments add some interesting new twists to it, and the series has extensive lore, with a lot of backstory and characters. None of the games individually is my favorite RPG outright (that honor goes to Radiant Historia), but it's definitely my favorite RPG series (the only other one that would come anywhere near it is Mario & Luigi).

Love this series, and love Radiant Historia too btw, don't hear many people talking about that one!

But returning to Trails. I played Trails in the Sky about 10 years ago and instantly loved it. This year I played Trails from Zero on Switch. Awesome title. Can't wait to play Trails to Azure soon! I tend to favor the older games. Also played Cold Steel 1 for a while but couldn't get into it. I might give a second try later on though.

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Posted on 08-16-24 07:34 PM, in Link | ID: 185


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Posted by Oz74
I got into Kiseki back in I think 2021, starting with Trails of Cold Steel 3.

Wasn't I the one who got you into the series in the first place?

Posted on 08-30-24 03:30 PM, in Link | ID: 583

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Yes... X-3
The Sky FC remake that just got announced for Switch is looking FINE. Very nice presentation between the art direction and the more modern cutscene and field dynamics. It looks like attacking in the field just initiates combat so it doesn't use the real time preemptive striking feature in Daybreak but the seamless switch from field to fight is still such a wonderful touch. I can't believe we're getting this in 2025 - it's coming up so fast.

Posted on 08-30-24 08:11 PM, in Link | ID: 588


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Trails, Tales, and Fate are 3 series that confuse the heck out of me but i'm sure are really good.

8-bit is enough.

Posted on 09-15-24 08:35 PM, in Link | ID: 838
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Since: 09-15-24
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I actually finished up Daybreak yesterday, as a matter of fact.

Just need to take the time for Crossbell, at this point, since that is the one duology I'm behind on. Everything else, I've taken care of. I should really take the time before Daybreak II comes out in Early 2025.

Posted on 09-15-24 09:30 PM, in (rev. 2 of 09-15-24 09:47 PM by Galeforce) Link | ID: 843


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I've never actually tried the Kiseki series, but they have always been on my "games to try out before I pass away" list. There's just a lot of colorful characters; some of whom I've been introduced to in other games via a collab event.

I am aware of the overall darker atmosphere the series has, but I've played games with a similar tone, so I'm well prepared. (Though, I may likely still be open to some surprises.) I just haven't had the opportunity to sit down and try a game out.

Any idea which game I should start with? Or are any of them a decent starting point?

Posted on 09-15-24 10:24 PM, in Link | ID: 845
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Since: 09-15-24
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Probably Sky FC. They are about to drop a remake for it soon, though.

Posted on 09-15-24 10:33 PM, in (rev. 2 of 09-15-24 10:34 PM by Oz74) Link | ID: 846

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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My gacha of choice had a few collabs and won't rerun the banner of the one I missed - and that was also my first peek into this series.

The first games in any of the arcs are good to start with (Sky FC, Zero, Cold Steel, or Daybreak.) How to decide - I would consider which scenario starting out appeals most to you... do you want to start out doing odd jobs helping people and slaying monsters as a young girl with a suddenly-adopted mysterious brother, as a new police recruit to a special task force, as a student in a military academy in a growing empire, or a self-employed mercenary who is initially a lone wolf? You'll be reading a lot in the beginning so it's important to choose something engaging. I started with Cold Steel 3 and didn't feel lost either, since 2 is wrapped up and 3 is starting on a fresh note despite being in the middle. Some of them pick up immediately off the end of the others, like CS4 and Reverie, and will be a mess to begin with, as you are not primed with context in any way that you will care about if you skip Erebonia and Crossbell games. There are frequent sales on Steam for Falcom games, so keep an eye out.

Sky FC is known for being slow-paced though ~40 hours, but would set you up to appreciate things chronologically, as the characters develop through the series and as the world changes. There are a lot of recurring characters, things that are consequences of established events, and recollections of established events throughout, and though each game provides you with a glossary to sum up the important things you will need to know, some things are sprinkled in as more of a surprise.

Posted on 09-16-24 12:04 AM, in Link | ID: 847


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Posted by Oz74
My gacha of choice had a few collabs and won't rerun the banner of the one I missed - and that was also my first peek into this series.

Let me take a wild guess. It's the same gacha I used to play.

Dear goodness. It took me about 30 minutes to log into the game, sit through updating it, sit through server updates, and sit through forced tutorials of content that was introduced while I was gone, and sit through all of the login rewards I've gotten for being gone so long, before finally getting this screenshot ready here. Damn, it's been a while since I last played.

I stopped playing this game, not because I don't enjoy it anymore, but because I simply lack the time to sink into these type of games. Between this one and FGO, I was sinking way too much time, and I had to make a difficult choice.

The first games in any of the arcs are good to start with (Sky FC, Zero, Cold Steel, or Daybreak.) How to decide - I would consider which scenario starting out appeals most to you... do you want to start out doing odd jobs helping people and slaying monsters as a young girl with a suddenly-adopted mysterious brother, as a new police recruit to a special task force, as a student in a military academy in a growing empire, or a self-employed mercenary who is initially a lone wolf? You'll be reading a lot in the beginning so it's important to choose something engaging. I started with Cold Steel 3 and didn't feel lost either, since 2 is wrapped up and 3 is starting on a fresh note despite being in the middle. Some of them pick up immediately off the end of the others, like CS4 and Reverie, and will be a mess to begin with, as you are not primed with context in any way that you will care about if you skip Erebonia and Crossbell games. There are frequent sales on Steam for Falcom games, so keep an eye out.

Sky FC is known for being slow-paced though ~40 hours, but would set you up to appreciate things chronologically, as the characters develop through the series and as the world changes. There are a lot of recurring characters, things that are consequences of established events, and recollections of established events throughout, and though each game provides you with a glossary to sum up the important things you will need to know, some things are sprinkled in as more of a surprise.

I'm no stranger to slow-paced games and games north of 40 hours of playtime. I do appreciate being told that context is likely important, so I do thank you for informing me before I end up starting out of order. I figured starting from the beginning of each arc would be best, but I figure I'd ask just to be sure.

As for the question at the outset, I think all of the scenarios do seem appealing. The first one especially interests me. If I were to guess, that's from Trails in the Sky, right? I am aware that a Switch remake is coming soon, however my hands are tied funds-wise due to ordering an Everdrive 64 X7 the other week (still waiting for it to arrive to this day) so it may be a while before I get my hands on it. I have no problem starting it on its original console release. If anything, it'll get my feet wet until I get my hands on the remake.

I do have an answer of which arc I might start with at least. It's just a matter of finding the right time to do it. (And actually remembering; I have a bad habit of saying these things and straight up forgetting about them the following day.)

Posted on 09-16-24 12:39 AM, in Link | ID: 848

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Yes, I play Langrisser Mobile. I have an Altina in the low 9500s and Van at about 9200 but mostly use Altina since I play Meteor Strike. I gave her Gift of Eternal Life for off-healing since Nymph and Lisa are the only ones I have that can contribute better healing if I need more than GOEL Altina and Jugler to carry a party's health. If you're on the same server block as me (Mira Port/Cellier Lake/Dark Cave/2 others I am forgetting) then if you ever feel like going back, I have a guild you can join :P

The scenario I am describing is in fact Trails in the Sky FC and you should be able to get it cheap on Steam - I will share when I see the next sale for it. It will likely go under $20 or $10 a few more times before the Switch remake is out. If you enjoy FC, you'll be prepared for the subsequent games also being increasingly longer too.

Posted on 09-16-24 01:01 AM, in (rev. 2 of 09-16-24 01:01 AM by Galeforce) Link | ID: 849


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Posted by Oz74
Yes, I play Langrisser Mobile. I have an Altina in the low 9500s and Van at about 9200 but mostly use Altina since I play Meteor Strike. I gave her Gift of Eternal Life for off-healing since Nymph and Lisa are the only ones I have that can contribute better healing if I need more than GOEL Altina and Jugler to carry a party's health. If you're on the same server block as me (Mira Port/Cellier Lake/Dark Cave/2 others I am forgetting) then if you ever feel like going back, I have a guild you can join :P

I mostly main Empire/Princess, so Rozenciel is a must in whatever content I run through, no matter which faction I decide to run. Sometimes I pepper in Altina, even if I don't run Empire. I like her that much. Currently running Miracle Staff on her, i like the extra AOE + debuffs she provides, though GOEL does seem like a tempting option. Wish I had more than just 2 of those. x.x I'm under the Dark Cave server, so I'll consider the guild offer if I do return.

The scenario I am describing is in fact Trails in the Sky FC and you should be able to get it cheap on Steam - I will share when I see the next sale for it. It will likely go under $20 or $10 a few more times before the Switch remake is out. If you enjoy FC, you'll be prepared for the subsequent games also being increasingly longer too.

I might snag one off of Steam if my situation allows for it. I might have $20 to spare but it might end up getting used for food when a week gets tight. Either way, I'll keep an eye out.

Posted on 09-21-24 06:56 PM, in Link | ID: 910
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I have not bothered to get into the mobile titles, such as that or Akatsuki, mostly because I'm already hard-pressed with the one or two I put time into anyways. I do appreciate, just like with all gacha titles, the sheer amount of art we get out of it, though.

Posted on 11-18-24 04:06 PM, in Link | ID: 1374

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I've now played the first 10 games in the series, in order. As the games are set to the same world and in roughly the same time window, and that worldbuilding is a key point, I would recommend others to play them in order as well. Aside from worldbuilding, the characters tend to be relatively well designed.

As individual games go, brief no spoiler opinions follow (up to the limit of my memory):

Sky 1: A rather average RPG in every way. I took a longer break during the playthrough due to it being so average. Can't remember if I played it with hardest or second hardest difficulty anymore. 6/10.

Sky 2: The climax of the sky part. Did not play at hardest difficulty due to the start being so annoying with it. 8/10.

Sky 3: This is what I mentally consider a "gaiden" game, in the sense that it is just extra gameplay fluff and no real content (aside from a tiny tiny bit of the relevant main story). Probably my favourite main character in the series though. 3/10.

Crossbell 1 & 2: Some good themes and overall solid gameplay and story. There's a slight amount of unnecessarily sexualization that wasn't present in sky ones, but not that much. Also, while it's not 2 games in place of 1, perhaps 2 games in place of 1½? 8/10.

Cold steel 1 & 2: I only completed these because I am a stubborn completionist. Literally everything is worse, except for character design which stays solid. Instead of a grid, battles are now gridless, so you have no clue how far your area skills reach after movement. Input and/or camera has some problems that didn't exist before. These two games feel pretty repetitive and the story feels very railroaded. At the very least they should have made 1 game instead of these 2. Way more unnecessarily sexualization, which is pretty sad given that the character design remains all right. I played these at hardest, but I would recommend playing at the easiest difficulty - because the gameplay balance is broken and it doesn't matter at all, except for like 1 unfun battle that takes forever. 1/10.

Cold steel 3 & 4: They added more gameplay mechanics to ensure that the gameplay remains as broken as earlier. Difficulty remains irrelevant. The storyline is slightly improved, but it still feels like 2 games when they should have made 1. 2/10.

Reverie: The second gaiden game. Extra gameplay fluff and while the story is better than in sky 3, it is a relatively bad story. Difficulty remains irrelevant. 3/10.

Worldbuilding oriented series are uncommon both in games and in anime, and I appreciate it that there are creators out there trying something bigger. These things take years to make, and given that their output has been lower quality in the last 5 games, I'm not super hopeful for Daybreak. I'll probably check it out when Daybreak 2 is available. In fact, if this direction continues, the series might as well end with a first person shooter / dating sim hybrid.

Posted on 11-19-24 03:09 AM, in Link | ID: 1378
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Posted by STARWIN
...I'm not super hopeful for Daybreak...

I didn't come into it with lofty expectations.

When I finished, I wanted to play 2. Badly.

Posted on 01-18-25 06:07 PM, in Link | ID: 1500
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Demo for Kuro/Daybreak II goes up next week.

Posted on 01-18-25 06:48 PM, in Link | ID: 1502

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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Good that they brought back fishing. Bad that they dropped Vantage Masters for Uno. I do wish I finished Reverie before getting into the Calvard arc because it turned the entire Erebonia arc into a rock-solid baguette to play with how stiff the battle is in comparison, and I am hoping Shizuna is not compulsory in a lot of the game. I may play the demos, since I already know I will be getting the full game when it's out.

Posted on 01-18-25 08:31 PM, in Link | ID: 1504
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Since: 09-15-24
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Posted by Oz74
...I am hoping Shizuna is not compulsory in a lot of the game...

Not a fan? I, for one, dig the fact that someone Rean's age beat the shit out of him but that's just me.

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Main - Gaming - The Trails (Kiseki) series (5)


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