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Main - Gaming - Gacha games you've played. (1)

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Posted on 10-19-24 09:46 AM, in (rev. 3 of 10-19-24 09:48 AM by Galeforce) Link | ID: 1162


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Since: 09-15-24
From: Somewhere

Last post: 78 days
Last view: 15 days
Posted by Shiva

on the topic of FEH currency, there isn't really an orb drought like in the 2019 era. there's a lot of orbs you can get these days, especially since a billion or so chapters have released since the last time you played, and stamina is barely even a finite resource anymore (although, I think the barrier for entry with stamina is a bit higher with new players, but the game will give you so much stamina bottles that it's really you can just go get orbs until you get bored or something)
and on the topic of heavy investment, the game gives you.... 8? or so great 5 star units for completing chapter 1 of each respective book and tbh with that and whatever free brave unit is available at the time, you can steamroll everything that isn't lunatic mode (and lunatic mode is doable, even cheesable sometimes, just not always easy)

powercreep is annoying, and the way the numbers have gone up is annoying, but the game is honestly outright generous with resources in the year 2024, and has been for a while tbqh

Orb count isn't really my issue. It was a problem back when I played, but it wasn't the problem. My problem also isn't the heroes you are given for free.

The problem I have is that a lot of the materials that you would need to help boost your heroes is locked behind Arena and Aether Raids (and probably more after I left), and those modes have such a broken scoring system that spiraled out of control due to powercreep, forcing you to have to +10 many of the Mythic Heroes or Legendary Heroes (or at the very minimum +6-7, so either way, a very heavy investment) just so you can get as much of those otherwise-dripfed materials as you you need to boost your heroes.

Not only are you at the mercy of RNG for getting extra copies of those Mythics and Legendaries (which can often be very unkind; this is a gacha game we're talking about), but you're doing so for characters that you otherwise might not care enough about to acquire in the first place. One copy would've been fine if that's all you needed, but you need way more than just one copy. It's a heavy investment on a character you otherwise would not have wanted. And this isn't a problem exclusive to Arena or Aether Raids... from what I've seen, a lot of content does this.

Posted by Shiva
FEH does this too, idk the last time you played but legendary seliph, who was once straight up the worst legendary hero, was given a buff that made him one of the best tanks in the game. Gen 1 kind of got screwed yes but every new unit that's come out in the past 5 or so years has been able to stay viable tbh. even the gen 2 Lewyn I run is still very good, because his buff was excellent.

Every here and there, there's a resplendent release, but that comes too few and too far between. The best hope you could have is for a re-armed hero to drop an inherited piece that your favorite hero could use, and that could boost your hero's viability.

In my case, that would be Arcane Charmer for my loved and cherished +10 Sakura. Kinda wish they thought of that before I deleted my account. Even still, I'm not sure even that would be enough to fix her 28 Atk and 30 Speed; both stats that won't cut it for most content nowadays.

Posted by Shiva

the thing about Heroes that you have to buy in to is the collector aspect of it, idk, maybe the game is pretty bad... i don't think it's terrible but I guess I don't have defenses for a lot of it's problems, like powercreep, and gen 1 being screwed, but I think it being pretty bad for fire emblem is still more interesting gameplay than I've ever gotten out of another gacha game. and off topic to the thread's topic, not buying fates is a major missed opportunity, that game is really fun and most FE players will tell you Conquest is one of the best games (gameplay wise - story is a whole nother issue)

That's fair enough, and I'm not gonna discourage you from playing Fire Emblem Heroes. I'm just detailing the experiences I've had. I'm glad you were able to keep up with it and enjoy it for what it is, even amidst its glaring problems. I just wish I was able to do the same.

By the way, that aformentioned Sakura was the reason I was going to get Fire Emblem Fates. I probably would have purchased Birthright if that were the case. I'm well aware of the game's... very flawed story-telling, but I can say for sure the characters themselves aren't the reason for said flawed storytelling.

Posted on 10-19-24 05:26 PM, in Link | ID: 1164
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Since: 09-15-24
From: Arkansas, USA

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Posted by Shiva
...IVs are a million times more manageable now due to stuff like trait fruits and ascended florets tbh and honestly I don't think they're terribly essential for new units pulled anyway. IVs are a very 2017/2018 issue...

Well, that's good. Unfortunately, much of it I'm not a fan of otherwise. :P

Although I will say I largely enjoy the art that comes from it. Not that it's anything new with gachas related to already existing franchises.

Posted on 10-26-24 04:14 PM, in Link | ID: 1242
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Since: 09-15-24
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...Oh damn.

Okay, so Lappland got an Alter, Suzuran got a mother annnnnd Crownslayer rose from the ranks of defeatable boss to playable character.

Posted on 11-10-24 12:13 AM, in Link | ID: 1330
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Since: 09-15-24
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Enjoy ridiculous damage.

Posted on 11-10-24 01:13 AM, in (rev. 3 of 11-10-24 09:54 AM by Galeforce) Link | ID: 1331


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Since: 09-15-24
From: Somewhere

Last post: 78 days
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Okay so the Rune Workshop event is about to end on Langrisser Mobile very soon, and I still don't have a gameplan on what I want to do with it. I'd like to know if there's a catch-all equipment piece I could work on so that the event doesn't entirely go to waste.

I don't really know what to do, and the one friend I talk to that actually plays this game is very busy and I don't want to bother them, nor do I know when's the good time to ask them. So I'm pretty much kinda stuck for the time being.

Posted on 11-24-24 06:51 AM, in Link | ID: 1395

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Since: 08-16-24
From: Erebonia

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I was barely able to squeeze in the final enchantment stage of the Rune Workshop before it ended since I'd been away for half of October due to circumstances largely outside my control. Anyway, Galeforce, I'm available Saturday for joint battles, and have less appointments coming up so hopefully I can do some Fridays too.

I've also been playing a new gacha that just came out, Voidpet Dungeon, only about 3 days old on Android, 6 days old on iOS. It's a "4-heroes-in-a-row" turn-based RPG combat with monsters, evolution, equipment, rock-paper-scissors strengths and resists - think somewhere between Pokemon and S/NES Final Fantasy, and you've got Voidpet. I'm completely F2P right now, just crept into the top 50 where it looks like the lower bunch of us are stuck on floor 130.

Team: Joy lv30, Jealous lv40, Resistance lv40, Sad lv28
How it ended:
I bled to death on the turn I would've won
If you wanna try it, if you use my invite link then I can get some Astral Eggs and therefore better voidpets to fight with, and it would help me out big time. :LOL:

Posted on 01-16-25 03:01 AM, in Link | ID: 1481

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Since: 01-16-25
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Recently started playing Granblue Fantasy on my Samsung tablet I bought recently on a whim. I've got a lot of decent stuff on the account for how little I've technically played it.

Posted on 01-16-25 04:13 AM, in Link | ID: 1484
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Since: 09-15-24
From: Arkansas, USA

Last post: 1 day
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Posted by Bonesy
Recently started playing Granblue Fantasy on my Samsung tablet I bought recently on a whim. I've got a lot of decent stuff on the account for how little I've technically played it.

I already have enough trouble keeping pace with Arknights and then ranted and raved too much at tile game clients for six months.

If I had more patience, I might. As it stands, I can't even pick up GBVS that I supposedly have for free on PS...

Posted on 01-16-25 04:46 PM, in Link | ID: 1494

Waddle Dee

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Since: 01-13-25
From: Homeless in Columbus, Ohio in the United States

Last post: 3 days
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SuperMash is as close to a Gacha game as I got, it wasn't the best game, but it sure was hilarious messing around with the mashing machine and creating amazing "games" to play. But it did occasionally crash without a logical reason o_O

My love for Arceus is eternal.
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Main - Gaming - Gacha games you've played. (1)


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