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Main - General Chat - Introductions (7)

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Posted on 02-06-25 11:48 PM, in Link | ID: 1538


Level: 8

Posts: 23/23
EXP: 1510
Next: 677

Since: 08-18-24
From: Wisconsin, USA

Last post: 14 days
Last view: 12 days
so not really a hi im new but a hi im back... norton finally doesnt flag the site as viral... so im glad to be back and chat up and lurk in the forums from time to time and add input on things... granted if work ever slows down as its been nuts lately... damn winter bugs

Posted on 02-07-25 08:27 AM, in Link | ID: 1539

Bronto Burt

Level: 8

Posts: 19/26
EXP: 1498
Next: 689

Since: 10-16-24

Last post: 4 days
Last view: 11 hours
Been here for a few months, but might as well do an intro.

I'm your token N64 hacker and translator, oftentimes both. Wasn't always a specialist, but for the last decade or so haven't done much outside N64 and its derivatives. Most of it falls in the realm of "huh?", like platform (or multiplatform) conversions, re-enabling unannounced features, new interfaces for undocumented hardware--which is why you've likely never heard of any of this work much less downloaded it ;*) Virtually none of my patches work with emulators as a result, though that situation has been changing lately.

Always try to spit out a translation a year, at least. Those get the occasional takers (when the game to be patched has actually been released).

Also have a youtube channel with random weird N64 hardware and demo stuff that never gets updated. Patch announcements go up there too, about the only reason anyone follows it.

Posted on 02-15-25 02:38 PM, in Link | ID: 1558

Bronto Burt

Level: 6

Posts: 21/26
EXP: 825
Next: 82

Since: 01-13-25
From: Homeless in Columbus, Ohio in the United States

Last post: 4 days
Last view: 19 min.
I haven't properly introduced myself.

Name is Raymond Allen Francis, but I go under the Name ArceusI to be simplified and also more literal to my love of Arceus.

I'm on many sites, including one in my signature (Khinsider), and my YouTube account is Raymond Francis (My official name) and I'm actually doing a walkthrough of Dynasty Warriors Volume 1 so everyone knows I'm a gamer too. But I do need a controller to play that game at it's fullest.

Apart from my extreme intelligence (And my Autism) I'm generally easy to get along. I do discover things and post them when I can prove them.

I hope after this proper introduction I can be more of a help to this site and for gaming in general.

My love for Arceus is eternal.

KHInsider Video Game Music for music needs (APPROVED BY ADMIN)
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Main - General Chat - Introductions (7)


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