General information |
Group |
Normal User
Total posts |
4 (4 found, 0.03 per day)
Total threads |
0 (0 found, 0.00 per day)
EXP status |
Level: 3 EXP: 100 (for next level: 28) Gain: 37 EXP per post, 270566.216 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
Registered on |
10-25-24 11:32 PM (156 days ago)
Last post |
10-30-24 03:42 PM (152 days ago)
in Trying to hack Tiny Toon Adventures
(Help Wanted)
Last view |
01-01-25 03:07 AM (89 days ago)
at /thread.php?id=184
Contact information |
Email address |
Homepage |
SwitchedPalace - |
User settings |
Theme |
Time offset |
-4:00 from you
(current time: 03-31-25 05:16 PM)
Items per page |
20 posts, 20 threads
Personal information |
Real name |
Location |
Massachusetts, USA
Birthday |
Sunday, September 10, 2006 (18 years old)
Bio |
Hey, I'm PalaceSwitcher! I primarily mess with and datamine (often obscure) NES games. Outside of that I like to spend my time programming (typically in Python, C++, or 6502 ASM) or making chiptune covers. I also like to play video games, though that's probably obvious seeing as I'm on a site dedicated to hacking them.
Pronouns: they/them
Discord: palaceswitcher
RPG status |
Equipped Items |
Weapons |
Nothing |
Armor |
Nothing |
Shields |
Nothing |
Helms |
Nothing |
Boots |
Nothing |
Accessories |
Nothing |