Game Description |
In September 26, 1986, Konami released the action-adventure game Castlevania for the Family Computer Disk System first before being re-released as a Nintendo Entertainment System game in 1987. However, in the North American release, Konami removed the Main Menu and the high-score system.
This game was released again sometime in 1993, when the developer ported this original game from FDS to NES.
Translation Description |
Unfortunately, the thought of making a password save system was overlooked when this game was released on cartridge in North America and Castlevania owners had to play the entire game in one sitting. Because of this, few people have played through the tougher 2nd round on a real NES.
Besides being able to save the game, which Castlevania was never able to do, this translation of the game also features:
[li]An accurate Title Screen translation[/li]
[li]Translated main menu, Enter Name, and Erase Name screens[/li]
[li]Able to use a space character in a Player's name[/li]
[li]Displays the previously hidden saved Hi-Score on the Main Menu and Game Over screens[/li]
[li]Displays the previously hidden Last Played score[/li]
[li]Automatically selects the last save file saved[/li]
[li]Moai hidden treasure now finally animated properly
This is pretty cool. Konami never got this working properly in the North American NES or Japanese Famicom releases. It's likely that they never got it working in any re-release. Since most people never played through the 2nd round, it's unlikely that very many people have even seen this. It's the only hidden treasure that is animated.[/li]
[li]Localized Simon Belmondo to Simon Belmont in the ending to match all the other Japanese games in the series[/li]
[li]A secret enhancement to the main menu, Enter Name, and Erase Name screens[/li]
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