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01-03-25 03:13 AM
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NeoRHDN - Homebrew - Homebrew Information

This is a simple game that - get this - was first designed for play on a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 control brick (that game actually almost got completed), and a few years later, the creator learned how to program in NES 6502 Assembly, and the game was soon remade for the NES, in two-player form. Thank you for playing, and please leave a review if you liked it!

You (and player 2) are the blue dots. That red thing on the right side of the screen? That's a bad guy. Press START to begin (same with 2p). The bad guy starts coming at you! What do you do?


A: Act

B: Speed up bad guy

START: pause game (only pauses for the player that presses it)

Game mechanics are simple;

When the bad guy gets close enough (Within about 10 pixels) press A. It's gotta be timed right!
You'll notice that you and the bad guy switch places, and he keeps on going, then loops around the screen for another pass. Also, that green arrow thing moves. It keeps track of your best score. If you don't press A when the bad guy gets to you, or press it at the wrong time, you move back eight pixels. The goal is to ultimately get to the other side before the other player.
Released BySaveState
CategoryFull Games
Source CodeNo
Source LanguageN/A
Source UtilityNo
Source URLN/A
FeaturesG, C
Release Date01 February 2019
ReadmeReadme File
Last Modified2019-02-12 07:01:18



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