Game Description |
LEGO Battles is a rare Real-Time Strategy Game for the Nintendo DS. Being both for the DS, and LEGO-themed, this game was obviously intended for children, and thus has relatively simplistic mechanics. For example, there is only one resource--studs--and they can only be obtained either by large-scale deforestation, or by building a mine which just constantly gives you money, no work required. You can also only have up to 16 units in play at any one time.
The game is not perfect by any means--if you order your units to move more than a foot in from of them, they will most likely get stuck on something; good multiplayer games require both players to tediously grind for special "Blue Studs" hidden in each campaign level to buy all of the units; your "Hero" unit, which heals other units around it, also heals the very transportation vehicles you place it inside, which can lead to some quite absurd scenarios when combined with the spacefaring factions transporters which can fly over land; the game casually including a "Plantation" building and a "Conquistador" hero may be quite off-putting for some. Nevertheless, there is something charming about the game, especially, no doubt, to any who grew up playing it. Furthermore, this game is free of any and all external licensing, so if you enjoy LEGOs but do not like Star Wars, then this may be the game for you!
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