Title | Madou Monogatari A: Doki Doki Vacation |
Alt Title | Sorcery Saga A: Vivacious Vacation |
Genre | Role Playing |
Release Date | 24 November 1995 |
Platform | Sega Game Gear |
ROM Information | ROM Information |
ROM Map | ROM Map |
RAM Map | RAM Map |
Table File | Table File |
Hacking Notes | Hacking Notes |
Tutorials | Tutorials |
Last Modified | 2020-02-01 08:11:53 |
Game Description |
On the first day of her summer vacation from Magic Kindergarten, four-year-old magician-in-training Arle Nadja has decided to go visit her grandmother on the other side of the Fairy Forest. Since she's such a big girl now, Arle is even allowed to go by herself! But on the way there, she comes across a strange man with wings and horns who wants to cut down the forest to build an amusement park. Determined to save her fairy friends' precious forest, Arle sets out to put a stop to this heinous evildoing.
Madou Monogatari A: Doki Doki Vacation is a dungeon crawler by Compile, and a prequel to the original Madou Monogatari trilogy (which the better-known Puyo Puyo series was spun off from). It was initially released for the PC-98 home computer in a three-game bundle with sister games Madou Monogatari R and S, and later ported as a standalone title to the Sega Game Gear. As is typical for the series, this port bears only vague similarities to the original version; the story and dungeons are almost entirely new.
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